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Dalam situasi jaman sekarang yang serba kacau dan penuh ketidakpastian seringkali kita disibukkan oleh segala sesuatu sehingga hubungan kita dengan Bapa menjadi renggang. Padahal hubungan yang sifatnya personal dan dekat denganNya sangat penting. Pertanyaannya sekarang, bagaimana cara kita memelihara keintiman dari hari ke hari dengan Tuhan di dunia yang semakin memberikan prioritas rendah pada perkembangan kerohanian? Susah berapa jauh kita sebagai anakNya mengenal Bapa? .
Sunday, November 14, 2010. We all feel like shit. As we get older many of us become more curvier.
Did Jesus Fulfill Messianic Expectations? Why Did the Jews Reject Jesus? Do All Roads Lead to God? This site is intended to connect people with Jesus the Messiah. For the skeptic, information will be found that answers commonly held questions. To the claims of Jesus. And the fundamental truths of His Person and work as found in the pages of the Bible.
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How to get into Heaven with one visit to our website. To our many visitors, supporters and staff. How to get into Heaven. This website was created to teach YOU. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God. Dr Hank Lindstrom led me to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ years ago, and has since gone. HOW TO CLAIM THE GIFT OF GOD.